Innovative solutions for next generation of Green COMmunications infrastructures

GreenCOM is an innovation platform forming an ecosystem of companies, universities, industrial associations with direct links to authorities addressing the entire stack of the internet from the physical layer up to the network infrastructure. The general method is to transfer knowledge and research from the knowledge institution partners to the commercial partners who then serve the commercial market. GreenCOM will develop 31 specific technologies supporting 5 strategies, ranging from physical chips and laser sources, over network protocols, to internet services initiating a first coordinated effort towards a green ICT certificate.
About GreenCOM
The technologies are highly multi-disciplinary and range from nanophotonic integrated components over novel fibers and free-space optical satellite links, to 5G enabled industrial control schemes and IoT security and applications. GreenCOM covers multiple network domains from the end-user local area links in the passive optical network access domains over the backbone core network domain to data centres.
GreenCOM is facilitating the entire value chain from knowledge generation and innovation to the end-users.
The Master plan identifies 5 themes that are of major importance to the future green energy efficient communications infrastructure that supports vital functions: Energy-efficiency, Capacity (must be abundant), Accessibility (online everywhere), Critical Networks (low-latency, reliable), Green Secure Services (energy-efficient encryption as enabler). By addressing these 5 themes in unison with constant interaction among them, GreenCOM will best develop relevant technologies, rather than focusing on a single domain/technology which would risk sub-optimizing the whole network. Each theme is addressing the entire stack which again is structured into 10 work packages across the themes and 31 tasks addressing the technology.
GreenCOM updates
GreenCOM Kick-off 🚀
GreenCOM consortium Kick-off took place on June 14 at DTU in Kongens Lyngby. The consortium consists of 20+ partners and the collaboration will result in 30 path breaking technology transfers to the industry, which will ensure a digital infrastructure enabling internet connections to transport a larger amount of data considerably faster, cheaper, safer, and greener than today.
When the technological innovation platform of GreenCOM has been launched, it has the potential to reduce the electricity consumption in Denmark by up to 10%⚡
Furthermore, GreenCOM will take the initial steps towards a fact-based, accredited energy certification of communication technologies and services in the entire value chain. This will make it possible for us to consider which solutions are factually greenest.
The participants at the kick-off were welcomed by project head Niels Hersoug, followed by PI Leif Katsuo Oxenløwe, who presented the themes of GreenCOM.
A myriad of thrilling presentations and poster talks took place during the day at DTU.
Michael Dybkjær Holbech talked about business incubation centres by the European Space Agency - ESA, Cancan Wang from IT-Universitetet i København shared the importance of critical infrastructure in financial industries and public sectors, and Thomas Mardahl from Rejoose argued that an energy efficiency baseline is key to effective optimization.
Michael Vaa and Christian Kloch, both from FORCE Technology introduced us to 5G enabled applications and Internet of Skills, as well as the role of IoT towards a sustainable society.
GreenCOM for a safe and green digital future!🌐🌱
Recent updates
Danish nano satellite from Space Inventor
GreenCOM becomes a member of GeSI
Previous updates
- PRESS RELEASE: New grand research project will ensure both green and safe digital future
- SCIENCEREPORT: Research and industry met to shed some lights on how they can jointly increase the green transition
- VERSION2: Danish internet technology will shave off up to 10 percent of the country's electricity consumption
- ALTINGET: Ny teknologi skal udvikles, hvis vi vil mindske internettets CO2-udledning
The consortium and the secretariat is located at DTU. As a national initiative it includes the following partners

Management and Steering Committee
The project office is located at DTU and takes care of the daily management and administration of GreenCOM.
We are hosted by DTU Electro, and you will find us here:
Ørsteds Plads, building 340
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Phone: +45 4525 6569
VAT: 30060946
EAN: 5798000430341
Head of Project
The Steering Committee is the top-level decision-making body of the GreenCOM project and has the overall responsibility for the completion of the Project.
The Committee consists of an authorised representative from each of the GreenCOM Project Partners. The Steering Committee makes sure that the required reporting to Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD) is taking place. Meetings are held bi-annually with IFD as observer.

Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is the top-level decision-making body of the GreenCOM project, and the Steering Committee elects among its members a Chair and a Vice chair. The GreenCOM Project Leader and his Project Management Office service the Committee. The Committee consists of an authorised representative from each of the GreenCOM Project Partners. The Steering Committee makes sure that the required reporting to Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD) is taking place. Meetings are held bi-annually with IFD as observer.
Preparatory Committee
In order to optimize the work in the Steering Committee, GreenCOM nominates the Preparatory Committee, which is a smaller group of GreenCOM partners performing preparatory work for the Steering Committee. The Preparatory Committee has no decision power but can call the Steering Committee to make decisions if needed. The Preparatory Committee reports about their work to the Steering Committee meetings. Meetings are held monthly.
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board advices the Steering Committee on strategic issues and furthermore, the board is responsible for giving the Steering Committee and the Preparatory Committee advices. Members are independent international experts with a large personal network in relevant domains. Meetings are held annually or when requested by the Steering Committee.
The GreenCOM project is funded by Innovationsfonden